Yetunde Oladini MS. Ed.
Name Pronunciation yay-tune-day
(574) 651-8912
I am Yetunde Oladini, an American from Nigeria. I was born in September, married in September, had two of my three children in September, got naturalized in September, started my first job as a Mental Health Therapist in September. I worked as a school teacher for 19 years and a school counselor for four with high school kids in Nigeria. I worked as a substitute teacher in high schools within the South Bend Community Corporation for seven years 2005-2012. I have also worked with various companies both in Michigan and Indiana as a direct staff person for individuals who are mentally challenged from 2001-2008. I started my Counseling Career here in the US by going through graduate school at Indiana University of South Bend from 2009-2012. I have been in practice since September of 2012. As a Therapist, I have worked with kids with sexually maladaptive behavior and their families, severely traumatized kids and their families, and with adults with mental challenges. I remain in service serving my nation.